Vampire Academy Series

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Vampire Academy Series

Talk about the series here!

    Vanya (now Chaos_Angel) is here


    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2009-02-10
    Location : somewhere *wink*

    Vanya (now Chaos_Angel) is here Empty Vanya (now Chaos_Angel) is here

    Post  Chaos_Angel Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:42 am

    Where are you from?

    I can't say, I'm afraid.

    What are your interests?
    reading, writing and acting.

    How did you get hooked on the VA series?
    I must confess that I haven't read them.

    Who is your favorite minor character (meaning not Rose) and why?
    don't know

    How did you find the Vampire Academy forums?
    got it off the profile of beautiful tragedy on a different board.

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2009-02-10
    Location : somewhere *wink*

    Vanya (now Chaos_Angel) is here Empty Re: Vanya (now Chaos_Angel) is here

    Post  Chaos_Angel Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:56 pm

    I hope nobody minds me double posting...

    I just wanted to add that you can call me Vanya, Chaos or some of my nick names. I have picked up a whole load of them:

    Violet, Tink (short for Tinkerbell, as she's my favorite character in Peter Pan, and I adore the story of Peter Pan) Vani, Vany, V (the nick names that go with Vanya).

    pirat Razz Laughing cheers

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