Vampire Academy Series

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Vampire Academy Series

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    The Light and the Dark Chapter 1.


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    The Light and the Dark  Chapter 1. Empty The Light and the Dark Chapter 1.

    Post  Chaos_Angel Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:42 am

    The Light and the Dark

    Chapter 1: Odd Occurance

    Ariana looked out her bedroom window, and her eyes went wide....

    Now Reader, I'm sure that you are wondering what she saw. We ill get to that in a moment.

    Princes Ariana Claire Miriel was born almost seventy eight years earlier, to the elven king and queen of Poikaerea. She was the a joy, and the sunshine to her parents, and the people under their rule. The people watched her grow, and were often fascinated with the young princess. Not only was the young Princess beautiful. Her eyes were blue as the ocean, and always danced when she was delighted about something. Her hair was a wavey golden blond that reached her hips. Her lips were full and seemed to be the perfect shade of pink, and while someone who just looked at the outside, would have been amazed at her looks, it was her kindness, and gentleness that that could stun anyone. She often visited the poorest of the people, giving them left over food from the royal ktchens, and would visit the imprisoned, giving them some time away from lonliness.

    The king Amras, and the Queen Regina were just and kind rulers, but didn't like the princess interacting with the very low ranks. Especially those in prison, mostly out of fear that she may get hurt.

    For a long time, the little castle, or should I say beautiful big castle? For that was what it truly was, and the village and people it ruled and protected, lived happily with no threat in the world....

    But, a year before this present date, on the evening of the Princess' seventy-seventh birthday, after the celebration, the queen went missing. The castle and it's people went into what seemed like a darkness after that. The king ordered many of his best elven fighters to seek out of his lost wife, but non who went, ever came back. Heartbroken, Amras ordered that no one was to venture outside the village. He refused to let any other search party look, and the people rarely saw the king after that.

    Now that you know some of the history, Reader...shall we continue with the present date of the elves?

    Ariana was standing by her bedroom window. It was a beautiful window. Large, and it had a very good view of much of the villagers lives outside the castle, in the village. She also had a good view of the moat.

    Now, reader...lets look toward the moat. Close your eyes. You're looking out across a big moat and draw bridge of a castle, as as you look, you see a rider approaching full gallop on a pretty brown horse. The rider bears the colors of a messenger. Now, it was none of these little facts that made Ariana's eyes go wide...rather, it was the state of the messenger. He looked half dead. He was resting his head on the horse' neck. The color of the king's messenger, was in his limp hand, it looked about ready to slip out of it. The horse was guiding its self to the moat. When it reached it, it let out the loudest neigh that was possible for a horse. Ariana, shocked at the poor state of the messenger, bolted out the door of her room,quicker than was lady-like, and ran through the castle, and out the huge main doors to the moat. When she got there, the scene she saw, really didn't surprise her the slightest. The horse was still on the one side of the moat, neighing it's head off, but the guards were ignoring it completely. Ariana walked up to the nearest guard, and whacked his bare head. (yes, he wore no helmet. Such bad edicate Tongue) The guard whirled, growling. But calmed when he saw it was the princess who had whacked him.

    "Oh, Princess..." he said nervously, as he rubbed his head. "What seems to be the trouble?"

    Princess Ariana stared at him hard, and he cringed a bit under her hard gaze. "What's the problem? Sir Charles, are you and your men blind?" she pointed to the half dead messenger on his still neighing horse. "A messenger has arrived from a long journey. He needs care and attention. Let him in this minute!"

    Sir Charles took a look at the messenger, and then he sighed. "You're asking us to let a dark elf into the castle, Princess?"

    Ariana took a step back, stunned. She hadn't noticed that it was a dark elf. But as she looked closer, she realized that it was. His hair was silver, and reached his shoulders. His skin was the odd, dark color of the dark elves, also know as drow, or underground elves. The dark elve's clothes were filthy and torn. Ariana squeezed her eyes shut. She had believed for a whole year, that the underground elves were responsible for her mother's disappearance. Now she was looking at one that needed rest and care. Many thoughts began to race in her mind. Why was the underground elf here? Why did he have the colors of a messenger of the king, and how did he get a hold of it? Ariana opened her eyes, and looked at Sir Charles, and the two other guards, who had by now gathered around.

    "Yes, let him in immediately."
    Silver Tears
    Silver Tears

    Posts : 242
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    Age : 28
    Location : day dreaming about my story

    The Light and the Dark  Chapter 1. Empty Re: The Light and the Dark Chapter 1.

    Post  Silver Tears Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:07 am

    i love this, keep posting more please

    Posts : 137
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    Location : somewhere *wink*

    The Light and the Dark  Chapter 1. Empty Re: The Light and the Dark Chapter 1.

    Post  Chaos_Angel Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:07 am

    Thanks. Smile The second chapter is facing some problems, but I'll post it as soon as I'm finished, and the kinks are smoothed out.
    Silver Tears
    Silver Tears

    Posts : 242
    Join date : 2009-02-02
    Age : 28
    Location : day dreaming about my story

    The Light and the Dark  Chapter 1. Empty Re: The Light and the Dark Chapter 1.

    Post  Silver Tears Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:21 pm

    yay!! i cant wait

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