Vampire Academy Series

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Vampire Academy Series

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2 posters

    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

    Silver Tears
    Silver Tears

    Posts : 242
    Join date : 2009-02-02
    Age : 28
    Location : day dreaming about my story

    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet Empty Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

    Post  Silver Tears Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:27 am

    I had no clue where I was or how I got there. All I knew was that I had to get away from what was chasing me. I risked a look back and fell flat on my face. I rolled over to see what it was that was tailing me. When I looked back I sat there...staring at nothing! What the hell had just happened and where could it have gone? I wildly looked around for any sign of the creature. I saw a darkened shape out of the corner of my eye and screamed. The next thing I know, I am bolted upright in my bed. I looked around my room, in fear of seeing that horrid thing in my dream. I sighed, "Chill out Kari, it was just your imagination." I said to myself and shook my head, trying to push the thoughts of my dream away. I laid back down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, drifting off to sleep moments later.
    My eyes fluttered open and I awoke to the sun shining through the window and into my eyes. I gasped; remembering my dream that I was so afraid of last night and looked around the room. When I saw that no one was in the room with me, I threw on a purple felt robe and ran into my twin brother, Kale's room. I jumped onto his bed "ughh" he groaned, "What is it Kari?" He sounded annoyed, bonus points for me. I thought. I brushed my medium length blonde hair out of my red sparked-green oak eyes and readjusted myself on his bed. "Kale, something was chasing me in my sleep last night. It had to be real; I even felt my breath catch when I fell." I confessed and waited a minute or two for his reply.
    He sighed deeply, trying to act like the older one, which he was not, and said groggily "Kari, why must you wake me up in the middle of a Saturday because of some silly dream you had. Even if it scared you, just remember; don’t wake me up in the middle of the weekend." I crossed my arms and huffed. "Well since you asked so I'm going to start waking you up this early every weekend." I smirk devilishly and yank all of his sheets off him. He jumped because of the sudden draft and practically yelled. "Ah! Kari!" he whined very loudly and tried to yank the sheets back, very weakly I might add. We were so competitive it was like watching T.V. dad always said. I threw the sheets back on him, "Here you big baby. Come on and get dressed, Roxy and Ari are going to be here soon and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want them to see my baby brother in his ducky boxers." I smiled. Roxy and Ari were my two best friends ever. I also knew that Kale and Ari crushed on each other but both were too afraid to say ‘I like you' to the other.
    Roxy was much taller than Ari and I by a good 3 inches with jet-black hair. Her electric blue eyes were less flawless than any diamond I had ever seen. Her pale skin would amplify the color of her hair so much that it looked as if she were being engulfed by the shadows. Ari on the other hand was completely different from Roxy in many ways. Ari had chestnut brown hair that stopped at her broad shoulders, deep dark brown eyes, and light tan skin. Their personalities matched perfectly and many a time I have told them that they should be the twins instead of Kale and I. We were as different as day and night, and most of the time got along...unless Kale started something. I ruffled his hair, just to mess with him. “Get dressed, Ari is coming.” I said teasingly and went off to my room. I walked in to my light blue painted room and grabbed different cloths out of my dresser until I finally settled on an outfit. A lime green tank under a black and gray striped v-neck along with my favorite shredded jeans. I ran a brush through my hair, slipped on a pair of sandals, and went to knock on Kale’s door to see if he had finished getting dressed. “Kale” I called louder than it should have been. “Are you finished getting dressed?” I waited for a minute, no answer. “What in the hell could he be doing in there?” I said to myself and opened the door. I saw Kale trying to balance on one foot while trying to put his jeans on. “Kari!” he yelled and fell over onto his carpet. “What the hell! It wouldn’t kill you to knock.” I busted out laughing and held out my hands in surrender. “I asked if you were done yet and you didn’t answer. I waited a minute and opened the door. It’s not my fault you’re uncoordinated.” I smirked and in a failed attempt tried not to laugh. Kale stood up, this time with his jeans buttoned around his waist, and called over his shoulder as he walked to his bathroom. “Just wait Kari; I’ll get you back soon enough. You’re going to be so embarrassed.” He chuckled to himself. I took a step towards where he left and shouted loud so he could hear. “You can try dear brother, but you won’t succeed.” I practically ran down the stairs because I was so hungry. I walked rather quickly and sighed, remembering all the times mom, Kale, and I would make meals together. I missed mom so much, but when Kale and I were nine she had died of something that no one, not even dad, would tell us. Even to this day, he won't talk about what had killed her; it gets frustrating not knowing what your own mother had died from. I constantly badgered dad about her, but Kale on the other hand seemed like he could care less about what had happened to her. I wished she was here and started making a bowl of cereal for myself. I walked into the living room and plopped on the couch, eating ravenously. I was half way finished when I heard Kale coming down the stairs. "Kale, hurry up and fix you something. If you’re coming with us you are going to have to be ready and the girls have to agree if they want you coming." I called to him. He came down dressed in a black and gray shirt with a pair of guys' converse. I saw that we were practically wearing the same thing “great, now we really are twins. I mean come on Kale, I know I’m fashionable, but you don’t have to copy me.” I said sarcastically and motion at his clothing. He just shrugged and poured himself a glass of ice-cold water. He took a sip and replied as if I was exaggerating. “I really don’t care, we’re twins, it’s not like we planned this. Everyone knows we’re twins so it won’t really matter. “So when are your friends coming I can’t wait to see Ari” I started to laugh but he quickly added “And Roxy” I just giggled and put my bowl down before I fell backwards on the couch. I rolled over on to my back and held my stomach, trying to stop laughing. I finally stopped and sat up straight; I looked over at Kale and his face looked like he was in utter confusion. “Wow, you are crazy. Sometimes I worry about your sanity, sometimes.” He said with a ‘she’s crazy’ expression. I bit my lip to refrain from laughing and freaking out my brother again. “Okay, fine then. I guess we’ll just go the mall without you and Ari will have no one to tell her how pretty she looks in the tiny, tight outfits she tries on at all the stores.” His mouth was hanging wide opened; I stifled a laugh or two and got up to put my bowl on the sink. “A-Ari, trying on stuff with you two. I’ll go, just to give you guys’ an opinion from my point of view.” He said, trying to hide his obvious feelings for my best friend. “And where would that view be? Of Ari’s backside.” I giggled. I heard a car door slam outside and knew that they were here. “We’ll finish this discussion later, Kale.” I whispered to him. I heard a knock on the door, but before it could even register in my mind, Kale had opened the door for Ari and let it fall on Roxy. “Hey!” Roxy complained. “I’m here too.” She whined as she caught the door and made a funny face at Kale. I walked over to Roxy and Ari and hugged them both as if I hadn’t seen them in years, when really we had just seen each other yesterday at school. I let go and asked them “Hey, is it okay with you two if Kale comes with us to the mall? He’s going to give us ‘a guy’s point of view’” I air quoted. “Yeah, it’s okay” they said simultaneously, but Ari with more enthusiasm and Roxy with a slightly annoyed expression. I mouthed to Roxy sorry I let it slip and he wanted to come with and glanced at Ari to see her staring a Kale. I laughed to myself and grabbed my car keys to my Nissan Altima. “Who wants to ride with me?” I asked out in the open and looked at Roxy. I was going to give my brother time with his crush and if it worked right, I would get a favor out of it. No one had said anything until Roxy broke the silence “I guess I’ll go with you,” and then whispered to me “since the two lovebirds don’t want to separate.” I laughed and looked back to Kale and Ari. “So I guess you two are driving together? Unless Kale wants to go with Roxy and me.” I said almost teasingly, which ended up with a blush from Ari and a glare from Kale. “Uh, I think I’ll ride with Ari. No one should have to drive all by themselves.” Kale tried to lie smoothly, but it was almost too obvious that they liked each other. Ari tried to hide her bright red blush and I just rolled my eyes at them. “Alright, let’s get going. Race ya’ll there.” I said as I headed for the door. We were all outside and by the cars when Kale announced, “Losers buy winners lunch!” I looked at Roxy and Ari when we all yelled “Deal!” at the same time and raced to our cars. Roxy and I jumped in and raced to the mall that was about fifteen minutes away from the house. I went the speed limit and every now and then looked to see if Ari was coming close. I had just turned back from check to see if Ari was behind us when I saw a shadow figure. Normally I would not think anything of a black shadow, but with my dream last night, I totally freaked and the car swerved. I swerved off the road, through a little bit of grass and into a tree hood first. I looked over at Roxy and she had been knocked out I think. I hit my head on the wheel, crying, thinking ‘how could I be so stupid’ to myself. The next thing I know, I’m being pulled out of the car and into Kale’s arms. I couldn’t see through the tears and didn’t know what expression my brother’s face would hold, but I did hear his voice. He was trying not to cry either and I could hear him choking back tears. “Kari…” He said, trying to keep his voice calm, “What happened? I thought I lost you.” I knew he was trying to understand and help but I kept on crying, scared by my own actions. I wiped away my tears and my vision cleared momentarily, “I-Is Roxy okay?” He was quiet for a moment but then spoke up. “She’s fine, knocked out, but fine.” It had been years since I had cried in front of Kale, but now that didn’t matter at all, I was perfectly fine crying in my brother’s arms. After about twenty minutes of me crying, I could finally see and talk. “Kale, I’m fine, Roxy’s conscious again, and Ari called in someone for the car. Can we still go to the mall?” I knew it was kind of crazy going to the mall after a car crash, but I wanted things to go back to normal. He scratched his head and thought for a moment, “Yeah, I guess, but I think I’ll drive. I don’t want anything happening and don’t worry about the car, we’ll figure something out.” I nodded and got in the backseat with Roxy. I was still a little shaken up by what I had caused, but I had to apologize to Roxy. I leaned over toward her, “Roxy, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened, I just,-I don’t know.” I said sincerely and waited for her response. She sighed deeply and looked over at me “Kari, I was scared out of my skin. I barely remember anything and all I remember is tires squealing, a sudden jerk, and then I blacked out. I forgive you, but don’t ever let that happen again. Needless to say, I think we were all scared.” I nodded and saw the mall parking lot come into view. I got out of the car and stayed by Kale’s side, I was still a little freaked out, but thankfully, it didn’t show on my face. I looked over at Ari; she was very calm during the crash. Which is exactly what we needed, a sturdy friend to lean on while we were terrified. I walked into the mall and immediately walked into the bookstore. I went through books as if they were water, which was like one or two books a day. I saw this amazingly hot guy in there, but as usual, I was scared to go over and talk to him for reasons even I didn’t understand. His hair was a mixture of brown and black that was a little bit too short for my taste with bangs that hung just over his eyes. Those deep, dark brown, almost black eyes just drew me in, but I tore my gaze from him and walked to a section of the store that I like. I walked over to a bookrack and started scanning for any interesting covers that looked like they held an amazing story. A hand reached over my shoulder and grabbed the book I was about ready to pick up. I jumped, “What the hell.” I half shouted and turned around to see who had scared me. It was the guy that I had wanted to talk to earlier, but had been too scared to. Good move Kari, embarrass yourself right in front of a hot guy, I thought. “I am sorry that I startled you. I didn’t mean to upset someone as pretty as you. I’ll be going now,” His voice sounded deep and mystifying with a bit of amusement. I blushed pink, “No, please stay. I tend to get scared easily and I was wondering if you wanted to walk around the mall with a couple of friends and me?” I asked as shyly as possible, which was very uncommon for me. I waited for his answer impatiently and my heart lifted when he spoke, “I would be honored to accompany such a fine girl and her friends through the mall.” I almost jumped I was so happy and wanted to drag him out of Borders to meet Kale, Ari and Roxy. “So, would you like to meet my friends now, or were you going to buy the book?” I still hadn’t mentioned to him that the book he was holding is the one that I was going to buy. He held up the book in his hand and then put it on the shelf, “This? No, I was just looking at the back cover to see if it was any good. I guess we should see your friends now? I don’t think I caught your name by the way. Mine’s Drake.” I blushed, smiled a bit, and then replied perkily, “I’m Kari.”
    Silver Tears
    Silver Tears

    Posts : 242
    Join date : 2009-02-02
    Age : 28
    Location : day dreaming about my story

    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet Empty Re: Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

    Post  Silver Tears Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:28 am

    I walked with him outside to where my brother, Ari, and Roxy were standing earlier. They had not moved much but Kale was talking with another guy. Roxy, I could tell, didn’t think he was cute because she was looking around aimlessly. I could only see the back of his head, so I couldn’t decide yet if he was hot or not, but from what I saw, he had light brown hair that flowed to his shoulder. Not too short and yet not too long, I thought and was only too eager to see his facial features. I walked Drake over to the group and began the introductions, “Drake, this is Roxy, Ari, and my twin brother Kale.” I motioned to each of them in the order I introduced them. I stopped at the new guy, whose face I hadn’t seen yet. “Umm, Kale, who’s your new friend? I don’t think I’ve met him before.” Kale hesitated and scratched his head, “Kari, this is Reed. Reed, this is my twin sister Kari.” Reed turned around and I was instantly stunned by his facial features. I stood there, staring at his vibrant blue-gray eyes; they were like two crystal pools. Kale coughed, knocking me out of my daze and I shook my head. “Sorry, I blank out sometimes. I guess you’ll be joining us too?” I ask hopefully. Kale smirked for some reason and I mouthed him ‘What?’ He just chuckled to himself and shook his head. I stuck out my tongue at him and turned back to Reed, hoping he could come with us. Reed looked down at me with his big, blue eyes, “Of course, Kale had just invited me when you two walked over.” His voice was like nothing I have ever heard before, so smooth and flowing. I was so happy that I had two cute guys coming shopping with up. I beamed at Drake and was about to open my mouth to speak when he cut me off. “Um, actually Kari, I just remembered that I had to go. I’m…meeting a friend for lunch, maybe we will hang out another time.” He said and walked away. My heart sank a little, but I jumped when I heard Reed’s voice whispering in my ear. “Stay away from him, he’s trouble.” His voice was cold and hard, almost as if it were full of hate for Drake when he didn’t even know him. I immediately went on the defense and said very loud and just as cold, “And how the hell would you know, Reed?” All he did was shake his head and repeat, “Stay away from him, he’s trouble.” I had only known him for a minute or two, but Reed was starting to piss me off. I looked over at Kale who had an amused grin on his face. I had seen that grin many times when he had something planned for later, but I ignored it. “So where do ya’ll want to go first.” I asked out in the open. I looked at all of them, well except for Reed because I was still fuming on the inside. “Well, Kale and I wanted to go to Hot Topic if that’s okay with you girls,” I groaned on the inside. Of all people, why did he have to speak up, I nodded “Fine with me” I said a little bitter. Kale shot me a glare and I glared back, we were there, holding each other’s glare. Reed broke the silence, “Kari, can I talk to you, alone?” I didn’t want to talk to him at all, but I went anyway. When we could talk without being over heard I asked him coldly, “What do you want Reed, to make my day worse? Go ahead and try, I have been in a car crash and my best friend fell unconscious while I was driving. I was bawling my eyes out, had nightmares, and someone I wanted to know was chased off because of you. You can try, but I highly doubt you can make it any worse.” He looked down at me, sorrow in his eyes. I tried to tear my gaze away, but I just couldn’t. He took a deep breath, “Kari, I’m not trying to make your day worse. I am sorry that you went through all of that today and I want to help, but you won’t let me. Just listen to me and stay away from that guy, he’s trouble.” There was a short silence, but he spoke up before it became too awkward. “That’s all I have to say, let’s get going.” I didn’t wait for him and stormed off back to my brother and friends. I stood in between Ari and Roxy and said rather perky, “So, let’s go.” I took the girls’ hands and walked in the direction of Hot Topic, leaving Kale and Reed behind. I turned around every now and then to look at Kale and Reed. Yes, Reed had pissed me off, but I couldn’t help not looking at him. We walked into the store and almost immediately Roxy and Ari headed to the Twilight section. That left me to walk aimlessly around the store by myself, looking for nothing in particular. Nothing much caught my eye, so I walked out of the store and sat on a bench. I sat there for a while thinking about the crash today and how I was so stupid as to do that. Tears were brimming in my eyes, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see that it's Kale with Reed a few feet behind him. Before I could get a word out he spoke, “Kari, we’re all going to the food court to grab something. Come on I’ll buy.” I smiled; he always knew how to make me feel better. I got up and hugged him “Thanks Kal-” but I was cut off by Reed, great, I thought. “Kale if it would be alright with you, I’d like to buy Kari lunch.” I almost yelled at him, but I kept my mouth shut and just glared at Kale. He thought about it for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair, “I told the girls I was going to treat them, so I plan on keeping my word.” Reed looked slightly disappointed, as if he were trying to hide it and looked down. I smiled to myself on the inside and walked side by side with Roxy and Kale as we made our way to the food court. Roxy and I shared a meal, which we started eating while Kale, Ari, and Reed were still in line. When they came over, Kale sat next to Ari and Reed pulled up a chair in between Kale and I. I frowned and Kale shot me a glare, but I paid no attention to it and continued eating. We all finished at different times and when everyone was done Kale spoke up, “Hey, why don’t we all go hang out at our house?” I was still a little bit worried about riding in a car because of the accident and even more afraid of the shadow that I saw. “Sure, Kale, but Reed doesn’t know where we live. So how is he going to get there?” I smirked, sometimes I could be so smart, and it even surprised me. Kale narrowed his eyes in a challenging manner. “Well, Kari, since you brought it up. I guess you’ll be riding with him that is unless you want to drive.” I was taken aback; I couldn’t drive after what just happened. I can't believe he thought of that and then used it against me. “Fine, I’ll go with Reed and direct him to our house. After that, I’m heading to my room to hang with Roxy and Ari.” I grinned, knowing there wasn’t any way he could get me to stick around downstairs. My plan to hang out with the girls was ruined when Ari spoke up, “um Kari. Roxy and I have to go shopping with our moms today. I’m sorry, I wish I would hang out with you later but we promised.” I sighed and decided I would just take a nap in my room while my brother and Reed would watch T.V. or something. “Alright,” I said solemnly “Let’s go then.” We all walked to ours cars and pulled out of the mall parking lot. I laid my head on the window of Reeds car and watched the scenery pass. I had my left hand on the armrest when I felt another hand on top of it. I looked over at Reed; he was smiling and caressing my hand. I enjoyed the feeling of his hand on mine until I realized that I was totally pissed at him, so I jerked my hand away and continued to gaze out the window. He drew his hand back and spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice, “Why do you detest me so?” I lifted my gaze from the passing by woods and looked to him. “I have had a lot to deal with today and I’m just a little stressed out right now.” I saw my house come into view and pointed to it. He pulled in, shut off the car, and turned to me, “Kari…” It looked like he wanted to say something, but he let it go and I got out of the car and started heading to the front door. Kale, Ari and Roxy had pulled up; I waved as the two girls pulled out. I walked in the house and sat on the couch. The two boys had walked in and Kale immediately snatched the remote from me. I laughed a little, “Hey, you know I was watching that Kale.” I tackled him and wrestled for the remote. We went at it for a while, not remembering that Reed was here, but it ended when I sat on him with the remote in hand. Kale groaned, “Kari, we have a guest. Now get off.” I laughed a little and rolled off of him and onto the floor. I landed with a thud, got up and stretched. I looked out the window, it was dark with a full moon outside, no wonder I was tired. I was walking up the stairs, on my way to the shower when Kale called out “Oh yeah Kari, I almost forgot to tell you. I met Reed this summer at camp and well, he’s staying here for the night.” I poked my head back down stairs “Love you too Kale.” I said, my voice full of sarcasm and walked back up stairs to take a shower. I had finished showering, dressing in a nightgown, and listening to My Chemical Romance on my I-pod when I heard a soft knock on my door. I take out my headphones and open the door, “What Kale? I was about ready to go to sleep.” I said annoyed and jump when I see that it’s Reed. I blush bright red “I-uh, sorry Reed, I thought it was Kale.” He chuckled and held out his hand, “Come, we were about ready to watch a movie and I came up here to ask if you would like to join us?” I started to reach for his hand, but pulled back. I shook my head, “No, I’m tired. I am going to go to sleep, but thank you. Good night.” I smiled and quietly closed the door as he walked back downstairs. I turned off my light and fell asleep listening to ‘The Ghost of You’. I dreamed I was being chased again by that awful shadow figure. I tried running as fast as I could, but it was no use and I turned back, trying to get a look at who was chasing me. I fell and got the wind knock out of me. I tried gasping for breath, but after a few minutes, I caught my breath and rolled over so that I was facing whatever was chasing me. I opened my eyes and I was looking into the things eyes. All I could see was those almost pitch black eyes staring at me. I then screamed; I don’t know if I screamed in my dream, reality, or both. I was utterly freaked out and with everything today I just collapsed and started crying to myself. I heard the footsteps of someone coming up the stairs and the sound of the door of my room being opened. Someone was cradling me and right now, I didn’t care who it was, I just cried into their shoulder until I had no more tears left. He kept repeating, “Its okay, you’re okay. There’s nothing to worry about.” In a calm, reassuring voice. I sniffled a couple more times and looked up to see who had been cradling me. It was Reed, but I didn’t care, he had helped me through this and I would have to thank him later. He looked down at me, “Are you okay, Kari?” I let a few more tears run down my face and I nodded. “Thank you.” I said barely above a whisper and hugged him. He held me for a couple of minutes, but I pulled away and laid back in my bed. Reed stood up and brushed his lips against my cheek, “Sleep well.” He whispered and left the room. I lay there, thinking about his lips felt on my cheek; it was like a jolt of electricity that ran through me. I finally fell asleep after a while of just staring at the ceiling, thinking about Reed. I awoke in the morning, coming out of a dreamless sleep. I threw on a pair of jean shorts and a dark green tank top that brought out my eyes. I ran a brush through my hair and headed down stairs. Kale and Reed were watching the television. Reed had looked up at me, but I blushed and turned away, still a bit flustered about his kiss. I made my way into the kitchen, “Hey Kale, you two want breakfast?” I asked and started to fix myself a bowl of Special K. “Yeah, but hurry. I’m hungry” he whined. I walked back out to the living room and sat across from them, “I’m not your maid. You have two hands and two feet, get it yourself.” I smirked and started eating. Kale groaned and got up, “Dang it Kari. Reed you want anything? I’m making only one trip.” He was rummaging through the fridge, looking for something to eat for breakfast. Reed pondered about his offer for a minute or two, “How about a waffle? I’m pretty much fine with anything you pick out.” Kale picked out two frozen waffles from the freezer and plopped them into the toast. He walked back over to us and sat back down, waiting for the waffles to pop up. I finished my breakfast and sat the bowl down just as the toaster popped. I jumped at the sound and that send the two boys into laughter. “Oh stop it you two, it’s not funny. Knock it off Kale.” I giggled and threw a pillow at him, and that’s when I knew I started the war. Kale grabbed the pillow, walked over, and retaliated by hitting me with a pillow while I cowered in a ball. Reed walked over and picked up Kale, both of them laughing while Reed pinned him to the ground. I was giggling up a storm and fell sideways on the couching, laughing as Reed put Kale’s arms behind his back. Kale finally gave up after Reed had him in a headlock and now they were both sprawled out on a couch together. “Hey Kale, where’s your mom? I haven’t seen her all day; shouldn’t she be home by now?” Tears welled in my eyes and I tried to brush them away, but they kept coming. “Kari, what’s wrong? What happened?” Reed said with nothing but concern in his voice. I shook my head, unable to answer his question. Kale sighed, “Reed, our mom’s dead, and Kari gets upset easily about her.” He said as if it were nothing at all. That made me explode with rage on the inside; he never cared. I stood up, “You never cared about her! You don’t even miss her! How can you be so cold hearted, you don’t even want to find out what killed her!” I yelled through my tears and ran up to my room.
    Silver Tears
    Silver Tears

    Posts : 242
    Join date : 2009-02-02
    Age : 28
    Location : day dreaming about my story

    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet Empty Re: Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

    Post  Silver Tears Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:28 am

    I jumped on my bed, hugged my pillow, and stared out my window, wanting nothing but her to come back to us now. I got up and looked in the mirror, god I looked like hell. My hair was tangled and there were streaks of tears running down my cheeks. I saw my door open and immediately threw a pillow at whoever was coming out of it, “Go away.” I collapsed on the bed, still in tears. He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up. If I had known…” he let it trail off. I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, “Just go, please.” I said in between sobs. He put a hand on my shoulder, “You need a friend to help you right now.” I nodded and sat up, leaning into him and crying. I missed my mother so much; dad wasn’t ever quite the same after she died. It was as if a piece of him went with her. I thought about her and all the good times we had, I can still remember when mom and I carried Kale out of bed and laid him on the front lawn because he was snoring so loud. I smiled a little, but that happy memory only made me miss her more. I cried into him and when I finally pulled back, tear stains on my face; I saw that his shoulder was wet from my tears. “Reed, I’m sorry. I ruined your shirt with my tears. Go take one of Kale’s, he won’t mind.” He chuckled softly and put a finger under my chin, forcing me to face him. He spoke gently, “Kari, I don’t mind you crying on me. What I do mind is you being upset. I’m sorry I brought up the topic, I didn’t know.” I shook my head from his grip and put my face in my hands, still shaking my head. “It’s not your fault. Kale’s right, I overreact to the simplest thing that reminds me of her.” He pulled me into an embrace, once again like the night before, and tried to calm me. I tried to force myself to stop crying in front of Reid, I hated to seem weak to people. I-finally- stopped and pulled myself from his grasp. He looked down at me, his face unreadable. I frowned, I hated not knowing something, and I needed to know how he was feeling. He laughed at my expression, which probably was a funny sight, but I was not in the best mood for it. I pushed him off the bed and giggled a little, watching his expression turn serious. He didn’t get back on the bed, but he did come to the edge next to me. I was about to say something when Kale-of all times- barged into the room. “I heard a noise, what happened.” He eyed me guiltily. I put my head down shyly and raised my hand, “My fault.” He glared at me and I looked away, “Kari, be nice. I know you don’t know what that word means, but as far as I can see, you haven’t made the best first impression on Reid.” I turned back to him. I would have probably slapped him in the arm or something, but with Reid in between us, it was impossible to attack Kale without hitting Reid. I scowled and Kale must have known what I was thinking because he just smirked at his advantage. “Kale, get out of here and Reid, I’m okay now. You can go.” Reid hesitated before nodding and turned to look at Kale with an expression I couldn’t see. Kale nodded about something I did not understand and left the room without any other word. I hated not knowing things, so I most certainly hated this secret between Kale and Reid.
    I was still thinking about what Reid and Kale could be hiding from me after both had left the room. I shook my head, “This is not going to get you anywhere. Just forget about it.” I said to myself and hopped out of bed.
    The face staring back at me in the mirror had a trace of a scowl on her face and her hair was disheveled. The eyes were a little red from crying, but other than that she looked fine. It took a moment to realize she was me. I stopped with my observing of my reflection and started on getting ready.
    I finished a good fifteen minutes later, had my hair brushed and a smile plastered on my face. I was in clothes to go walking, which was exactly what I was going to do. I was making my way down the stairs when I heard two voices talking in hushed tones.
    “Why don’t we keep it from her as long as possible? It’ll take about…” said one voice to the other. I stopped by Kale’s door, which was where the voices were coming from and put my ear close to the door. The voices, I figured, were Reid and Kale. What they were talking about, I frankly had no clue, but I was going to find out.
    “No because then she will…” I was only hearing bits and pieces, but boy did I want to hear the whole conversation. I put my ear as close to the door as possible and quietly listened for more details I could get. It sounded as if one of the two boys were pacing the room, which one I had no clue.
    “But what if…”A voice that sounded like Reid said, but I could barely tell the difference between the two.
    I was getting fed up with this; I wanted to hear the whole dang conversation. I huffed, not very loud in my mind but it must have been, because the next thing I knew the voices stopped. Footsteps sounded, coming closer and closer to the door each second.
    I hurried down the stairs and began walking towards the door, acting as if I was just leaving. The door to Kale’s room creaked open and both boys descended down the stairs.

    ((I have more of this stored in my head and yet to have it out on the computer yet...ill keep updating it as it go. The forum wouldn't let me post it all as on so i had to break up the story, but anyways, read it please Tia))

    Posts : 243
    Join date : 2009-02-01
    Age : 29

    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet Empty Re: Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

    Post  Beautiful_Tragedy Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:37 pm

    Its so good! You should post it on HoN!
    And there arent that many grammerical errors

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    Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet Empty Re: Here it is Tia: Shadowed, my book as promised. Excuse the grammatical errors hehe i havent revised it yet

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